Once a month in the Academy we have "Spirit Day." We the staff, decide at the start of the school year what the theme for "Spirit Day" will be and it is always a ton of fun. Our first one was held on Friday, and as the title indicates we had quite a few sea creatures. There was seaweed, sea cucumber, jelly fish, ships, sailors, fisherman, icebergs, mermaids, octopuses, swimmers, the entire cast of Spongebob, pirates, sunsets and many more delightful sea wonders! I was Nemo and there were 3 of us - can you tell which Nemo I am? :)

Okay, in my defense, I may not be the cutest AND I may have my stripes on backwards and I may look like a white whale and not a fish, but I am the only one with a tail and the saying on my back "Just Keep Swimming!" :)
Here are some of the other ocean ideas:

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