"Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain." 1 Cor 15-58
Monday, August 30, 2010
It Was Especially For Me - I'm Sure Of It!
I saw one today at lunch on the bow. Yes, a sea creature! A big beautiful whale and he put on a show for us for over a period of half an hour with a gran finale of waving his tale many times in one bout and then a huge splash! Oh, how wondrous it is to see ocean life close-up! It always leaves me in awe of the amazing creatures God created! I was blessed today and I know it! :) Thank you God! Pictures by Rutger Z. and Shelly D. "Thank God from whom all blessing flow...!"
All crew are required to raise their own financial support while serving onboard the M/V Africa Mercy. There are many ways for you send one-time, monthly or annual donations:
By Snail Mail: Mercy Ships Canada
ATTN: Donor Services
Unit 5 -3318 Oak Street
Victoria, BC V8X 1R1
Please indicate on a seperate piece of paper that you would like to give to Mercy Ships project # 2551. (That's me :)) This is in compliance with CRA guidelines: The name of the individual missionary worker (me :)) cannot appear anywhere on the cheque.
By Telephone: 1.250.381.2160
(again please refer to my project # 2551)
NOTE: Mercy Ships Canada will provide you with one tax deductible receipt at the end of the year for all donations made within the same year. If you do not require a tax-deductible receipt please make a deposit to my personal Mercy Ships account thereby bypassing administrative charges and unfavourable rates of exchange (CAD to USD):
In Person: My Bank: Vancity
To: Carol Tanzola
Branch # 34
Account # 132605
I cannot tell you how much it means that you want to partner with me to bring hope and healing to the unwell, rejected and/or cast out poorest of the poor peoples of West Africa. Together with Mercy Ships we do make a difference!
There was a little boy and girl playing on the beach one day. The little girl was walking along throwing starfish that had been washed onto the beach back into the water. The little boy asked why she was bothering as there were so many it wouldn't make a difference to which she replied "it makes a difference to this one!"
Thank you so much from the ones we make a difference too, and from the countries we are able to show the love of Christ!
"I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you. I said, 'You are my servant;' I have chosen you and have not rejected you. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will stenghten you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." -Isaiah 41:9-10
...And Prayerfully
-for us to be able to reach & help the right people (dental, eye, maxillo facial, orthopaedics, pastics and general); for us to find them or them us
-for sufficient supply of water to the ship and for the crew to be able to take regular ship showers (2 minutes) including hot showers
-to rise to the challenges of my new job in humility, time management, organization and creativity
-for the diving team to be safe as they dive throughout the day in low/high tide to clear the garbage from the vents which controls our vacuum system, generators and air conditioning
-for my personal health & finances (including the additional expense of coming home in June/July)
-for the safety and well being of all the crew
-for my 6 great nieces and nephews ages 2 -11 who are still in foster-care
-for my mother who hasn't been all that well of late
-for all the projects that have been created as a result of the huge amount of work that was done in the Republic of South Africa to be able to be completed financially and getting parts as needed
-for all of our various ministries, off-ship programs, training and hospital to be a blessing in every way to the people of Sierra Leone, each other and to God
...And Encouragingly
Home, family and long-time friends (pre Mercy Ships (MS)) are far away and although I love the work God has called me to do and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else - it can get lonely, very lonely!
It is so exciting and uplifting when I get mail or even an email from home, so please send me a line every now and then. And, please don't forget to send me your prayer requests. You are not only a part of my life, I am also a part of yours, and I consider it a great privilege to be able to pray into your life!
Here's how to reach me:
Carol Tanzola
Mercy Ships
M/V Africa Mercy
PO Box 2020 Lindale, TX 75771 -2020 USA
NOTE: Anything under a pound gets delivered to me free of charge. However, if ever you send something over a pound please put "FOR CONTAINER ONLY" on it and then I won't be charged .55 USD an ounce, but just so you know I also won't receive for it upwards of 2-3 months (that's okay :)).
"Bringing hope and healing..."The Africa Mercy is the world's largest non-governmental hospital ship which offers free surgeries and medical help to the peoples of West Africa who may not have had the chance of life-changing surgery
otherwise. If you would like to read more about this organization go to http://www.mercyships.org/
Where Has Carol's Journey With Mercy Ships Taken Her, And Where Will She Go Next?
13 Sept 09 - 20 Sept. 09 Introduction to Mercy Ships in Texas, USA
16 Jan. 09 - 14 Feb. 09 Gateway Training Texas, USA
15 Feb. 09 - 5 Mar. 09 Field Service in the Dominican Republic
6 Mar. 09 - 24 July 09 Fundraising
28 July 09 - 5 Dec. 09 Republic of Benin
18 Dec. 09 - 31 Jan. 10 Tenerife, Spain
10 Feb.10 - 15 Aug. 10 Republic of Togo
1 Sept. 2010 - 14 Feb. 2011
Republic South Africa
27 Feb. 2011 - Dec. 2011
Sierre Leone, West Africa
Dec. 2011 - Jan. 2012
Ghana, West Africa
Jan. 2012 - June 2012 Republic of Togo
July 2012 - Aug. 2012 Tenerife, and Gran Canaria, Spain
Aug. 2012 - June 2013 Guinea, West Africa
Sierra Leone Highlighted within the Continent of Africa
Sierra Leones Flag (Some Words from their National Anthem is Printed on it)
Sierra Leone's Flag Meaning: The green stripe represents agriculture, the country's natural wealth and its mountains. The white stripe stands for justice and unity, and the blue one represents the Atlantic Ocean and the harbour of Freetown, the country's capital. Until S.L. became independant in 1961 the flag incorporated the Union Jack in it.
2 of our Sierra Leoneon Crew
These are the same 2 friends in the bottom right hand corner of the above picture. Sheku was once a Maxillo Facial patient and now crew member, and Alice Maude (friend of mine) carrying the flag down the gangway during the country's arrival celebration.
Flag Proudly Received by a Past Cleft Palate Patient
I will tell you in my blogs about both of these patients stories
Reminds me of Reggie - big time! :)
Dr. Gary reunites with his patient after many years.
A Few Sierra Leone Facts For You...
-Official Name: Republic of Sierra Leone
-Sierra Leone is a predominant Muslim nation, though with a significant Christian minority.
-Religions: Muslim, locals beliefs (aka traditional which combines African and Christianity), and Christianity.
-Languages: English (official), Mende, Temne, Krio (mostly what is spoken in Freetown (other than English)
-Currency: Leones (keep watching my blog space for pictures of the money.)
-Sierra Leone [was] an important centre of the transatlantic trade in slaves until March 11, 1792 when Freetown was founded by the Sierra Leone Company as a home for formerly enslaved African Americans.
-In 1961 (after a series of Political changes) Sierra Leone gained independence.
-National Day: 27 April, Independence Day (This year is their Jubilee year and big celebrations throughout the city are underway.)
-The government is slowly reestablishing its authority after the 1991 to 2002 civil war that resulted in tens of thousands of deaths and the displacement of more than 2 million people ..(about one-third of the population). (It has been said that the displaced people moved to Freetown (where I live) which had a population of 200,000 and now has a population of over 2,000.000. It can take 2 hours to move 6 km - no kidding!!!)
-Population is estimated 6.2 million.
-In August of 2007, the presidential and parliamentary elections were held. No presidential candidate won a majority of the votes, causing a runoff election to be held in September. Ernest Bai Koroma was elected president.
-Sierra Leone is rich in Mineral resources possessing some of the rarest and most valuable mineral types in the world, many of which are found in significant quantities. Sierra Leone is one of the 10 top diamond producing countries in the world. Diamonds and other mineral exports are the main source of income; in addition to being a major producer of gold. (There are very strict laws in place against Diamond mining and we (Mercy Shps crew) have been told not to even be in the vicinity of a mine! This has been asked not only for our own saftey, but also for the politics that our Captain would have to go through if one of us were incarcinated and that is not guaranteed to turn out good.)
-Although Sierra Leone has seen economic success over the past several years, there are still significant economic challenges – particularly high unemployment. Columbian drug cartels are moving into Sierra Leone, using it as a base to ship drugs to Europe.
-Despite [the countries] natural wealth, the vast majority of its people live in poverty. (A poverty like I have never seen anywhere; including on TV.)
-Sierra Leone is the twelfth-lowest-ranked country on the Human Development Index and eighth-lowest on the Human Poverty Index. [They are also] suffering from endemic corruption and suppression of the press.
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