"Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain." 1 Cor 15-58

Sunday, April 24, 2011

He Has Risen…He has Risen Indeed!

Carol's Pics - Easter 2011 141
How can I not blog about what I (Christians) believe to be the single most important event in human history?? I find I must pay tribute to the Lord in this blog, on this day; as He is the reason I am here in the first place, He is the reason Mercy Ships exists and He is the reason the M/V Africa Mercy sails to developing nations to perform life changing operations.

First of all, this was my first Easter on the ship as last year the entire Academy went on a convention in Kenya. Wow, my home church, which I adore, would be hard pressed to have kept Easter week as focused on the happenings of our Saviour and the depth of what He did for us as did the Chaplaincy department with the help of Susan Parker onboard the ship. Thank you Ans, Marty, Catherine, Susan and all the unseen helpers for the wonderful experience you made possible this Holy Week!!!!  They called it “An Africa Mercy Easter,” and I have been truly blessed this week and reminded to the core of my being what Jesus did for me!!!!!! I am so very humbled and so very thankful! I hope wherever you are and whatever you are doing that you too have felt the love of what He did for you 2011 years ago!
Carol's Pics - Easter 2011 144
There were many events on board throughout this week to remember, to pray, to be thankful, to be blessed, to have time alone, to remember God’s faithfulness, to take communions…there were movies, a concert DVD: St. Matthew Passion (Bach Opera – very excellent!), foot washing area, the Garden of Gethsemane (that was open all night with perfect nature sounds playing softly overhead), services (sermons), Easter egg colouring, children’s film, Hot Cross buns, visuals, Easter brunch, Easter Egg Resurrection Story and hunt, sunrise worship on deck 8 and more….

Communion in the upper room & The Garden of Gethsemane

Foot washing station
Carole U Easter Pics - 2011 (8)
The blood of Christ

CRUXIFICATION (International Lounge) Nailing sins on the cross

He took our sins upon himself

Decorating Eggs

Catherine's Easter Pics - 2011 (14) Easter morning sunrise worship on the top deck (8)
Carol's Pics - Easter 2011 094 Carol's Pics - Easter 2011 090 
      Hot cross buns & coffee                    Table decorations

Kids performances

Dr. Gary Parker (Chief Surgeon and Maxillo Facial Surgeon, Donovan & Mae Palmer (Managing Director), speaking and giving communion

This family and I are very close. Their children call me nana 

Delicious buffet – thank you to all who worked on itCatherine's Easter Pics - 2011 (36)

As per usual its been a busy week…

“May the reality of our redeemer King, Lord Jesus, pour over you afresh knowing that we too will be resurrected to be forever with Him.”

The Lord bless you and keep you                                     
The Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you
The Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace
             -This Hebrew Priestly Blessing is from Numbers 6:23-27

Happy Easter!

Love, hugs and prayers.

In Him,

 Carol XOX

P.S.  Thank you everyone who shared their pictures with me! J


  1. Hi Sis,
    I'm glad you had a great Easter weekend! It looks like good times were had by all. Regards to our talk the other day...they sure made the produce look tasty and inviting. I sure wish it was reasonable and timely to ship stuff like produce to you on a regular basis. I just called your room and I guess I missed you. I'm a bit late. But I will try you later in the week. Love Always!

  2. So glad to read up on the wonderful Easter celebration on the ship. I miss you and being a part of the community in service. God bless you! See you this summer (hopefully)!!!
