"Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain." 1 Cor 15-58

Monday, October 25, 2010


Hello, Hello, Hello!

I’ve missed you!

Oh, how I’ve missed you! I know I blog to all of you at one time, but quite seriously, I blog thinking of each of you individually as well, so when I can’t access technology and blog y’all I feel extremely bereft and lonely! It is much harder to be away from you all when I can’t blog, email or phone. Since we have moved to land 5 weeks ago the Internet is continuously crashing and the first few weeks we couldn’t get our email up at all. It seems there has been one reason after another for my newsletters (now blogging) to slip between the cracks. But again, I am on track and endeavour to keep you all abreast of what I and Mercy Ships are doing here in the Republic of South Africa (RSA).  Please be patient with me throughout this time here in the RSA as there are many challenges with electricity and technology in the rural area of KwaZulu-Natal where we live and I’m honestly sorry for the times it’s just simply me not wanting to be on the computer! However, having said that it shouldn’t stop you from emailing me because when I can get on  - you will be there and I will feel loved and warm all over! Of course there is always snail mail as well and we do get that regularly…:)

Well, I’ve been wondering how I am going to get you all caught up and have decided to break it down into 5 parts as not to overwhelm you. This way you can choose to read what is of interest to you or not (some of you might not be so interested in the transference of the engines (Genny’s). Imagine that! LOL :)

The first part will be Arriving in Durban, the 2nd, Leaving for Appelsbosch College Campus and the ride there, 3rd, an overview of Appelsbosch College Campus, the Academy and of course my room! :) 4th will be what’s it’s like to be here and the pros and cons (as I perceive them) and 5th where we’re headed while we’re here. I hope you find this mini overview interesting and entertaining. When you view this you will view it in Chronological order, but it won’t be in date order because then you would be reading the last entry first. Enjoy!

I suspect I will be able to update my blog ,for the most part, on a weekly basis now - stay tuned….

God bless you!

Love and hugs,

Carol (aka Mom, Godmother, Aunt, Aunty, Layla and Ms. Carol)  xox   image

Dag's Pics Coming Into Durban - Sept. 1, 2010 (64) Welcome to Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, Republic of South Africa!

1 comment:

  1. ya forgot sister in your akas!!! nice to get an update from you sis! i am always hoping that you are getting the most out of your journey! sending lotso luv!!
